Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's disease. Though originally described as a movement disorder, Parkinson's disease also impacts cognition.
Each person with Parkinson's disease has a unique symptom profile. However, alongside or shortly after the development of motor symptoms it is common for patients to experience problems with executive functioning (e.g., flexible thinking, working memory, etc.; Cognitive profile of patients with newly diagnosed Parkinson disease).
Parkinson's disease is a progressive condition. Initially, there are few cognitive symptoms. However, approximately 75% of patients will develop dementia within 10 years of developing motor symptoms (The epidemiology of dementia associated with Parkinson's disease).
Neuropsychological evaluations can detect early signs of dementia in Parkinson's disease (Which neuropsychological tests? Predicting cognitive decline and dementia in Parkinson's disease in the ICICLE-PD cohort).
To learn more about Dr. Seichepine's research on Parkinson's disease see:
If you have Parkinson's disease and are concerned about changes to thinking or dementia, we are here to help. Schedule a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation today.
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